WAIT -- Before you complete your order, PLEASE WATCH THIS…
A message from Rick Kaselj, MS: Thank you for ordering my program. I hope you’ll excuse this brief interruption in your ordering process, but this is something I feel obligated to share with everyone who orders one of my programs. It doesn’t matter if you have tennis elbow, shoulder pain, back pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, neck pain, etc. What I’m going to show you on this page is very important for any injury or pain you currently have… and there is a special, one-time offer here that expires when you leave this page, so please read carefully:
Without knowing it, most people are actually making it harder for their body to heal injuries and eliminate pain
If you really want to heal your injury and eliminate your pain once and for all, read this short article… (and make sure you see the special ONE-TIME offer below, that expires when you leave this page)
Most people don’t realize it, but…
...the food you eat plays a significant role in healing injuries and eliminating pain.
In a Shape.com article, Pam Nisevich Bede, RD, a sports dietitian with Abbott's EAS Sports Nutrition says:
If you get injured, your perspective on nutrition has to shift. Overall, the focus should be on anti-inflammatory foods, eliminating pro-inflammatory foods, keeping essential nutrient (vitamins and mineral) intake high, and boosting your protein intake for complete healing.
PROBLEM #1: Most people have
“The Secret Killer” living in their body
(and don’t even know it)
Time Magazine called chronic inflammation “The Secret Killer” because of its links to heart attacks, and other life-threatening diseases such as Alzheimer’s and cancer, and because chronic inflammation can go undetected for years.
But, chronic inflammation can also have a significant effect on how well and how fast your body heals injuries.
It is estimated that millions of people have chronic inflammation, and don’t even know it.
This is a quote from a Shape.com article, from Anna Turner, RD, CSSD, a nutritionist at St. Vincent Sports Performance in Indianapolis, IN.:
For soft tissue injuries—that's everything from a sprain to a strain or tear to tendinitis—reducing inflammation becomes your biggest objective.
If you have chronic inflammation, which can be caused by eating too many pro-inflammatory foods, your immune system and your body are consistently overtaxed and overworked, constantly putting out fires and fighting toxins.
This leaves little energy and resources for healing injuries, so chronic inflammation can actually slow the healing process, or worse, lead to more tissue swelling and damage.
PROBLEM #2: Most people don’t eat
enough protein, vitamins, minerals
and antioxidant-rich foods
In a Bicycling.com article, sports dietitian Cynthia Sass, RD, CSSD said:
It's like fixing a house. A crack in the foundation requires raw materials to patch things back together, and in the body, those raw materials come from what we eat.
When we have an injury or chronic pain, our body needs to strengthen, lengthen, repair and rebuild muscle, tendons and ligaments to get back to full functionality and eliminate our pain.
That process requires the necessary building blocks, which are proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant-rich foods.
Here’s the problem:
Most people aren’t getting NEARLY enough protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant-rich foods in their diet, and since these are the building blocks your body uses to heal bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments, this makes it a lot harder for your body to heal and eliminate pain.
If you get nothing else from this page, please get this:
Most of us have limiting beliefs about healthy eating that are TOTALLY FALSE!
The TRUTH is:
- You DO NOT have to give up the foods you love to effectively and quickly heal injuries, eliminate pain, be healthy, trim and energized throughout the day
- You CAN eat food that is DELICIOUS and is also VERY HEALTHY
- Yes, eating healthy CAN be a pain in the butt, BUT IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE!
“You’re WRONG about healthy eating.”
It’s not just you - it’s most of us. Almost all of us have incorrect, false beliefs about eating healthy.
One of the biggest barriers most of us have to eating better, are these (incorrect) beliefs:
- “I have to give up all my favorite foods.”
- “I have to eat a restrictive diet of foods that all taste like cardboard.”
Chew on these for a minute:
- Did you know that grilled steak can fight inflammation and reduce pain?
- Think saturated fats are bad for you? Science has shown us that saturated fats can help you lose weight
- Have “they” told you to stop eating oil? Nonsense! We’re going to show you 4 natural oils that taste great, and are good for you!
- Feel guilty after you eat chocolate? No more! We’re going to show you how you can eat chocolate AND be healthy!
- How about some fries with that? We’ve got delicious fries that are loaded with fiber and Vitamin A, and contain anti-inflammatory benefits. Mmmmm.

The second biggest barrier most of us have to eating better is:
- “It is a giant pain-in-the-butt to buy, prepare and cook all these healthy, ‘anti-inflammatory’ foods.”
Let’s get real...
YES… healthy eating CAN DEFINITELY be a time-consuming, pain-in-the-butt...
But, it REALLY doesn’t HAVE to be!
The EASY way to eat healthier...
without giving up any of your favorite foods!
I have a special offer for you, because you just ordered one of my programs!
My brilliant team of nutrition experts and master chefs has created two special cookbooks, and since you are my newest customer, I want you to have them for a fraction of what I normally charge for them, which I’ll talk about in just one minute.
These cookbooks were designed to:
- HELP YOUR BODY HEAL FASTER. The recipes in these cookbooks will help you decrease chronic inflammation and make sure you are giving your body all the building blocks it needs for healing - more vitamins, minerals, proteins and antioxidant-rich foods.
- MAKE IT MUCH EASIER TO EAT HEALTHY. The recipes in these cookbooks are easy-to-follow and easy-to-make for regular people - you don’t need to be a chef or even a good cook!
- SHOW YOU HOW DELICIOUS HEALTHY FOOD CAN BE. The best part is how delicious these recipes are… AND, you won’t have to give up ANY of your favorite foods! Once you sample these tasty dishes, you’ll never again believe this myth: “Healthy food just tastes bad!”
Oh... and by the way... the recipes in these cookbooks can also help you:
- Lose weight
- Increase your sustainable energy (without sugar spikes or crashes)
- Prevent chronic diseases from forming due to inflammation
- Improve your body’s natural healing processes
- Counteract or even reverse the aging process
- Give you the freedom to enjoy meals without silly restrictions
- Stimulate your body’s hormones for the feel-good “highs”
- Give you the best sleep of your life
This is a special, ONE-TIME ONLY offer...
These cookbooks sell for $37 each, so to get both of them, you’d normally pay $74.
With this special, one-time offer, you can get both cookbooks for just $17 for the digital PDF versions, or just $34 for the digital versions PLUS the printed books mailed to your home.
That’s 50% - 77% off, depending on which version you pick!
This is a special ONE-TIME ONLY OFFER, which means:
When you leave this page, this offer expires and will never be made again. This will be your only chance to take advantage of these special, discounted prices on these two cookbooks.

(Regular Retail Price = $74)
Special Discounted Price

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital (PDF) versions of the Cooking For Pain-Free Living and the Home Cook’s Guide To Healthy Eating Cookbooks. You get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365, on any computer or mobile device.
- - OR - -
Would you rather have a printed copy of these cookbooks that you hold in your hand or put on your counter as you prepare these recipes? Then the DIGITAL + PRINTED option is for you...

(Regular Retail Price = $148)
Special Discounted Price

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital versions of the Cooking For Pain-Free Living and the Home Cook’s Guide To Healthy Eating Cookbooks, AND we’ll send both as printed books to your home too. You get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365, on any computer or mobile device.
*Plus $17 shipping and handling for addresses in the U.S., and $21 for international addresses.
This will be your ONLY CHANCE
…after you leave this page, this offer will never be available again!
- The Cooking For Pain-Free Living Cookbook
- The Home Cook's Guide To Healthy Eating Cookbook
I wanted these cookbooks to be AMAZING, and produce BIG results for you. Since I specialize in injury recovery, pain elimination, exercise and fitness - and NOT NUTRITION, I decided to hire a team of nutrition experts and master chefs to develop the recipes for these two cookbooks, and I gave the team these three goals:
- The recipes must be DELICIOUS (really delicious).
- The recipes must be EASY-TO-MAKE (for regular people, who aren’t master chefs or cooks).
- The recipes must DECREASE INFLAMMATION AND PROVIDE ALL THE BUILDING BLOCKS our bodies need to heal injuries and pain faster, and more effectively
I was very pleased to find out, after I started using these cookbooks myself, that my team had DEFINITELY ACHIEVED all three of these goals!
Here’s what you’re getting today...
The Cooking for Pain-Free Living cookbook includes 101 delicious recipes (with some vegetarian and vegan options too) to help you:
- Decrease inflammation and give your body all the necessary building blocks it needs to heal injuries and pain faster, and more effectively
- Lose weight
- Increase your energy
- Sleep better
- Feel better
- Prevent disease
- And lots more…
The Cooking For Pain-Free Living cookbook includes: |
- 101 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes
- 6 Breakfast Recipes
- 40 Entree Recipes
- 9 Side & A La Carte Recipes
- 6 Soup & Bread Recipes
- 19 Dessert Recipes
- 21 Drink & Smoothie Recipes
- Important Insights on Nightshade Vegetables
- Nightshade allergy & intolerance symptoms
- Details on Solanine Toxicity Syndrome
- Food replacement suggestions
Here are just some of the great recipes you’ll get: |
- Coconut Buttermilk Grilled Chicken
- Baked Cajun Chicken Breasts
- Grilled Greek Chicken
- Jalapeno Cilantro Chicken
- Lamb Steak with Avocado Pesto
- Pork Steaks with Sun Dried Tomato Aioli
- Guinness Beef Steak with Sweet Potato Fries
- Chipotle Grilled Salmon with Avocado Sauce
- Soy Citrus Marinated Tuna with Lemon Butter Sauce
- Heart-Shaped Crispy Gluten-Free Pizza
- Gluten-Free Irish Soup Bread
- Mung Bean and Lentil Burgers
- Oat Pancakes with Caramelized Apples
- Coconut Flour Donuts
- Guinness Almond Cupcakes
- Double Layered Mousse with Blueberries
- Chocolate Cupcakes with Strawberry Frosting
- Chocolate Coconut Butter Cookies
- Raspberry Rose Chocolate Brownies
- Guilt-Free Chunky Monkey
I think you can see that these are not your typical, boring, everything-has-kale-in-it-and-tastes-like-cardboard “diet” recipes!
The Home Cook's Guide To Healthy Eating cookbook includes 150 delicious, anti-inflammatory recipes for any occasion, that can help you:
- Decrease inflammation and give your body more protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidant-rich foods, so it can heal injuries and eliminate pain faster, and more effectively
- Lose weight
- Increase your sustainable energy (without sugar spikes or crashes)
- Prevent chronic diseases
- Improve your body’s natural healing processes
- Counteract or even reverse the aging process
- Give you the freedom to enjoy meals without silly restrictions
- Stimulate your body’s hormones for the feel-good “highs”
- Give you the best sleep of your life
Here are just some of the great recipes you’ll get |
- Paleo Egg Rolls
- Salmon and Cucumber Tarts
- Gluten-Free Zucchini Pizza
- Curried Grilled Chicken with Roasted Peppers
- Carrot, Orange, and Maple Syrup Flapjacks
- Slow Cooker Cuban Chicken
- Quinoa Kale Veggie Burgers
- Ratatouille with Goat Cheese and Bacon
- Pomegranate Ice Cream
- Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte
The Home Cook's Guide To Healthy Eating cookbook |
- Breakfasts
- Entrees
- Snacks
- Sides
- Soups
- Desserts
- Drinks
You get healthy recipes that taste great…
…you get recipes that range from quick-and-easy to gourmet, and everything in between…
…you get recipes that reduce inflammation and give your body all the building blocks it needs to heal injuries and pain faster…
…you get recipes that promote improved digestion and reduce the signs of aging…
...you get recipes that help you lose weight...
…plus much, much more.

(Regular Retail Price = $74)
Special Discounted Price

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital (PDF) versions of the Cooking For Pain-Free Living and the Home Cook’s Guide To Healthy Eating Cookbooks. You get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365, on any computer or mobile device.
- - OR - -
Would you rather have a printed copy of these cookbooks that you hold in your hand or put on your counter as you prepare these recipes? Then the DIGITAL + PRINTED option is for you...

(Regular Retail Price = $148)
Special Discounted Price

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital versions of the Cooking For Pain-Free Living and the Home Cook’s Guide To Healthy Eating Cookbooks, AND we’ll send both as printed books to your home too. You get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365, on any computer or mobile device.
*Plus $17 shipping and handling for addresses in the U.S., and $21 for international addresses.
This will be your ONLY CHANCE
…after you leave this page, this offer will never be available again!
No thanks, I will pass on this HUGE DISCOUNT for now… and I realize I will NEVER have this opportunity again.